Taste the Grace: How God’s Love Empowers Us

to Feel Good, Make Good, and Do Good

by Barbara Patton Unger


One of the author's greatest revelations of God's grace came from accepting and experiencing God’s love and goodwill in a tangible way. This led to her making a decision 25 years ago to practice spiritual love.


For those who have despaired and wondered if they would ever see the “goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” as did the Psalmist of the Old Testament, Taste the Grace is for them. Those who have been tutored to accept the negative aspects of life, have little faith in goodness and love as it pertains to them, and have been groomed to expect more suffering can resist or sabotage heaven when it shows up for them.


This book shows how anyone can “taste and see that the Lord is good,” as promised in the Scripture, and that the good life is there for the taking and the sharing. It is the understanding of God’s grace that empowers us to experience more of the goodness of life that includes love, healing, abundance and fulfillment of purpose while on earth. To Taste the Grace is to take it in as nourishment—it feeds us spiritually, increases our faith and helps us rearrange and update our belief systems to make room for the good we seek. It brings heaven to earth, and God’s love into our lives.


This experience enriches us on every level and gives us the confidence to reach for our dreams. Grounded in this grace, we are sourced by lasting and unconditional love. Living from grace is living in love and this is what empowers us to feel good, do good and make good.


(C) 2016 - Barbara Patton Unger